What is the Sensori-Motor System? I’m going to start with an example of the sensorimotor system in action to convey the meaning, then we will back up and go a bit deeper. Ready? If you have ever had back pain
The Kitchen Won’t Clean Itself
In the book A Fortunate Universe by Geraint Lewis and Luke Barnes, they highlight a human’s search for energy. We need the power to live, thrive, and conduct our affairs each day. The whole Universe and not just our bodies run on electricity.
The Map is Not The Territory
The Map Is Not The Territory: Is the map of reality, reality itself? Is the reason to eat more carbs, more protein, exercise more, and exercise less- reality? There is a season for everything to flourish. We are coming out
Do you care if your hips move well?
You might ask yourself, “Do I care if my hips move well? What does that matter? I need to make money, spend time with family, and enjoy my hobbies like cycling, exercising and keeping up with social events.” Right? You
Keep It Simple- Advance Your Habits (Exercise, Nutrition)
Keep it simple- You’ve heard people say this or you may have even said it to yourself at one point or another. As we’re approaching a new year it’s also a time when most people reflect on the successes and
Rules for Establishing A New Health Habit
Rules for Establishing A New Health Habit: One see that the skill of stopping a habit is in itself a skill worth learning Two see the parallel between the words compulsion, mindless, and habit Three the skill of learning a
People who start a diet or exercise program rarely see
How their mindset determines the outcome. You have a way of approaching and framing nutrition. Maybe you go for what’s convenient, portions are more of a focus, or grazing is your thing. You have a way of also telling
What’s Worse? Growing Old with Pain or exercising a Little Each Day?
What’s worse? Growing Old with Pain or Exercising A Little Each Day? A mindset about exercise is that no pain means no gain. It doesn’t have to be this way. For the past week or so I’ve been thinking
As a Personal Trainer, I’m a Systems Guy
As a personal trainer and a person, I’m a systems thinker. The problem I find as a personal trainer and bodyworker is, how do I choose to look at the body and organize all of the information a body provides?
Sessa Strategy: What Else Is Possible? The phrase that gets most people into trouble.
What else is possible? The phrase that gets most people into trouble. One problem I see continuously limiting people is that they seek what else is possible. They tell themselves that finding another possibility another method will help them