There is still time to achieve your fitness goals. Winter is still here. Therefore the ability to reflect is still here. The spring is when you water the habits of the activities you want to develop with your time, energy, and commitment.
Apple is currently deciding on whether or not to create a master code for the FBI so the FBI can break into an iPhone. The idea of a master code is important here. Nature has given us a master code in 4 phases. Winter as a time for reflection, Spring as a time to plant and nurture seeds, Summer as a time to continue nurturing the ground, and Fall as a time for Harvest. There is a full cycle (circle) here. How successful were you at maintaining your commitments last year? What activity did you discontinue? What activities do you regret not starting?
With winter still lingering there is still time for you to reflect on what spring means for you. More, nature has built four seasons for you to grow. If you could make a positive impact on your life, deliver and perform better in one area, what would that area be? How would you monitor your progress? What other area of your life would you have to discontinue to make time and energy available?
To achieve a fitness goal there is one effort people always forget to factor in: you have to keep your fitness goal front of mind! The power of working with the natural forces of winter and spring is that it is giving you the time to state your fitness goals for the spring. You can reflect, design, and prepare to implement your plan. Then it’s about scaling your growth potential!
You have your plan, coordinated your schedule, and in a couple of weeks it will be time to make a real impact. By investing yourself into your activity. If one thing can be learned from the presidential race it is that momentum can swing quickly in any direction. How will you plan to keep up your momentum through the spring and summer? Making repeating your fitness goals easier to repeat again, and again, and again..
I believe in you. I believe the goals you are working towards are important. Make the effort to keep your fitness goals front of mind. Make the crucial effort to make consistency a priority. And you will achieve your dream body.

You cannot change the circumstances or the seasons, but you can change yourself. That, you have power over.
Ask yourself these key questions to set yourself up to have a great Spring:
- How will I keep my fitness goals front of mind?
- What stopped me from continuing my exercise program last spring?
- What one factor always saps my energy after starting a new exercise program?